May 18, 2010

Bisnes Internet dot net

ari neh...oleh kerane aku tade keje...aku tlh ter"register" dgn 1 website neh...yg kononyer "MAU BUAT PART TIME"..kene bayor lak tuh..rm50....dan aku tlh menggunekan duit Hadif utk register programme yg aku sndiri x sure...pade korang2 yg penah tau or penah masok...leh x explain same aku...wuarghhhhhh....!!!!!!


Lieya said...

Erkkk sebarang jerk ko nie. Jangan la cepat terpengaruh, leh kali siasat dulu dalam ke lubang cacing. Kalau betol baru la ko joint the club. Adohaiiiiii si mama adif nie... Adifff, marah mama Adif nie cepatttt...

cik puan akish said...

agagagga..itu le psl....warghhhhh...dh termasok dh pong..:(


i have no intention to show off or provoke anyone in any matter.
jika anda terase dgn ayat2 yg dikeluarkan, please feel free to leave frm here....
diz is our life/ my own blog....diingatkan
ever copycat the idea of my backdated articles/photos WITHOUT my permission please...
if u'r posting any backdated entry of mine on u'r latest post..please keep my link credited..
Just be nice...

Happy reading...!!